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Year One Reflection

This is my obligatory first year reflection post. Although July is when the blog went live my social media pages and other information was published in September so here we are. Either way a year has passed and I have learned some things over these passed 366 days(this year is a leap year). Here I list the top five lessons I learned during this first year.

Use all of the scheduling tools available to create a consistent presence.

Depending on the type of blog one maintains there can be an abundance of material or a shortage of material at any given time. In the case when there is so much to discuss, one may want to spread out the posts and material so there is a consistent presences as opposed to having a flood of posts being followed by a drought when things slowdown. This can be managed with the "schedule post" options which is available in the different platforms like Facebook, Canva, Wix, etc. The point is to be consistent so the posts are published every so many days. Pick an interval that works for you and make sure to have the work ready to post at the given time and proceed. Sometimes things may be time sensitive so you may need to post off schedule but that should be on a case by case basis.

Find your voice and share it with your audience.

There are an abundance of blogs on the internet and every one of them is different even if they address the same topics. There are some people who are able to speak to other people and others may not like their method of communication. Since this is the case, be comfortable with who you are and use your voice to reach your audience. Sometimes your voice may need some supplements and maybe in addition to print, you might post videos on your social media pages or have a YouTube channel to provide additional insight into who you are and what your message may be.

Post, share, and repost again.

All of the socials and the internet in general all rely on these so called algorithms. When you post, think of a catchy title, add some hastags, update the seo, and whatever else to allow your posts to be picked up in more searches. Also don't be afraid to share a post which you may have previously published. Topics can become relevant again or you may want to increase traffic to a certain post. Either way, re-posting or sharing a post for a second or third time is acceptable and suggested. For instance, I have a post about my thoughts on abolishing the criminal justice system last year. Under the current climate now is a good time to re-post my initial thoughts and to add to the story/conversation.

Have a consistent identity on all platforms.

This cannot be stressed enough. Your name should be the same on all platforms so there is a seamless transition between medias. Sometimes one platform may be better for one form of communication so not every post is made to all of the platforms. The posts should still seem to be from the same person.That way your audience can consume the different medias you put out and it adds to your overall experience with your followers.

Keep it up and don't be afraid to make changes.

Sometimes once everything gets started things change.This is actually what happened with me when I changed my mind about my direction of the blog and changed things around. After making the changes I have been able to be more consistent and worked towards finding my voice. This time around I have been consistent enough to make it to a year of publishing.

All in all, I have goals that I have outlined for myself after seeing my progress during this first year. I'm implementing the steps listed above to help me reach these goals over the next 12 months and look to be celebrating successes with you all next year. I will "see" you all more regularly and keep my own tips in mind.

Hey there Moneybaggers keep up the good work and thanks for stopping by!


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