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Breastfeeding 2.0

People tend to say, "every pregnancy is different" whenever there is talk about pregnancies and different practices. Being pregnant and having specific plans for one's pregnancy is definitely a time when this needs to be remembered and trusted to be true. Even pregnancies in the same person can be completely different. The body does what it can and when it can and that is pretty much the basis for anything that happens and does not happen. My family and I are currently adjusting to life as a family of four now that we have our newest addition at home with us. It goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, this time around almost everything was different from when I was last pregnant three years ago. There is a post about the outside influences on this pregnancy and my overall health, but this post is about one specific aspect of difference. Here I'll share my thoughts and experience thus far with breastfeeding. This week was Black Breastfeeding Awareness Week according to the internet so this post is also pretty timely.

My first pregnancy was all plans thrown against the wall and just do whatever worked in the moment. Absolutely NOTHING went according to plan including my desire to breatsfeed my son. This time around I faced some familiar challenges in the beginning (Preemie, NICU, no "bonding" in hospital, etc) but found a small win. Despite running into some of the same problems which impaired my success last time I got over them and am able to nurse my daughter. She is not exclusively breastfed and I'm okay with that. I'm grateful to be able to provide whatever I can to/for her. Our journey thus far has been great and more fulfilling than I thought it would be.

Somethings that are different this time around include me doing some research beforehand, me having a better pump, and I had a greater level of determination. I like to have my expectations established whenever I start anything so I knew I needed to understand more about breastfeeding. I joined groups on social media, read blogs, and viewed informational videos. This gave me a frame of reference and provided a level of comfort that I was missing last time. I rented a pump from the hospital on both occasions but this time I purchased a hospital grade breast pump that provided the same suction as the rented pump. This allowed me to keep up my pumping sessions and to draw out more milk. Seeing some sort of success gave me a will to continue. Overall, I am more determined to be successful. This is my last chance and I don't want to have any regrets.

If you or someone you know is considering breastfeeding, I'd definitely want to share that breastfeeding is not easy. If you have to pump and supplement that's not easy either. Providing for your little one is rewarding and the bonding is unmatchable. It is the most natural thing that you can do. On the other hand if you don't want to breastfeed that is also cool. The goal is to do what works for you and your family. There is no room for added stress during this time so you lead the way and happy feeding!


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