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Blogmas Countdown 2020

Day 1 - December 13, 2020

So the song goes "on the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me a partridge and a pear tree." This is the first day in a 12 day countdown to Christmas so I'll think about my favorite Christmas present ever.

My favorite present was a mountain bike I received when I was about seven years old. My older sister and I got the same bike and it was too big for me plus it was winter in Chicago so I also couldn't ride it. I was just excited to have gotten a new bike because I outgrew my other bike but continued to ride it even to my own physical detriment.

As I grew older I started to believe Christmas to be for children so now I'm not so excited for or by gifts, but I certainly wish to bring that same excitement to my children as they grow older. Tune in tomorrow for the next topic.

Day 2 - December 14, 2020

Now we are on the second day of Christmas when the true love gave two turtle doves. This makes me think about a gift that keeps giving and has a bit of responsibility attached to it, something like a pet maybe. I have never been gifted a pet for Christmas and I cannot say I feel bad about it. A pet is a big deal and a great responsibility so I think back and realize I do not think I was ready for an additional pet as I was growing up because we always had a cat, so I definitely was not in need of another one.

Now that I am an adult I cannot fathom giving anyone a pet as a gift, even if they ask for it. I know my children may want a pet as they grow up and I can consider it then, but my deciding factor will be the answer to the question, "am I ready for an added responsibility?" because children always seem to forget about the responsibilities associated with the pet. So my answer is No I have never received a pet for Christmas and No I would not gift a pet for Christmas either.

Tell me your story and leave a comment if you want!

Day 3 - December 15, 2020

On the third day of Christmas, "my true love" gave three French hens. This puts me in a mood to talk about food and feasting which usually accompanies the holidays. My favorite part of the holidays is probably the feasting because I love to gather with loved ones and share a hearty meal.

My favorite holiday food is dressing. It's officially called cornbread dressing and it is very Southern-country eating. I love the flavor, the meat, and then that all mixed with the cranberry sauce. Yum yum... to me dressing is the flavor of the holidays in general. Is there a food or entrée that gives you that same feeling?

Feel free to share your favorites or even a recipe!

Day 4 – December 16, 2020

“On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me…” four calling birds…to me calling birds make me think about phones and telecommunications. Since we are in a global pandemic this is probably a fitting theme. Are you and your family planning to do a virtual Christmas celebration? Some people have been doing Zoom calls all year for every celebration so Christmas is probably no different.

My family will do a Christmas morning via Zoom or some other platform. This way all of the cousins will be able to show each other their toys and exchange thank yous to the adults who bought them gifts. We are feeling blessed to all still be able to celebrate with one another in whatever way possible. This will be a celebration for the memory books so the littlest ones know there was a time when we couldn’t get together for the holidays so that no one could make another one of us sick.

Happy Holidays!

Day 5 – December 17, 2020

FIVE GOLDEN RINGS!!! That is the one day everyone remembers maybe because it seems to be the most extravagant gift. The day makes me think of romance, love, and proposals. Have you ever been involved in, or a witness to a holiday proposal? Was it extra magical because of the holidays?

I have not been involved in any holiday proposals. Well I don’t think it is a slight to me or anyone in my immediate circle, it just seems the holidays were not the perfect time. I do think the built in decorations everywhere and the music add a certain ambiance for people who love the holiday season.

Share your thoughts and experience with us today!

Day 6 – December 18, 2020

The gifts that were given on the sixth day of Christmas were six geese a laying. Geese a-laying makes me think about birth and birthdays, so are there any Christmas or Christmas eve babies out there? Is it true that you get less gifts because your birthday is on Christmas? Do you have any funny stories about being born on Christmas?

I and all of my family are Spring/Summer babies so none of us are Christmas babies. I also only have one person who I know with a birthday on Christmas Eve and she is more of a giver in my experience. She is also very excited about the whole holiday season. She is a great people person. Do you know anyone with the same traits who is born around the same time?

What do you think about Christmas babies?

Let’s talk about it.

Day 7 – December 19, 2020

On the seventh day of Christmas the gifts were seven swans a-swimming, and that takes me to a beach anywhere but home. Thinking about beaches and being away from home puts me in the mindset of holiday vacations. Do you and your family spend the holidays away from home? Do you plan to spend a holiday away from home? If so, will you go somewhere warmer than your climate or colder?

My family is pretty closely knit so we never travel for the holidays so that we can all gather for the holidays. There was the one time the family matriarch decided she was going on vacation to Florida for Christmas and I believe the grandkids(including me) are still healing from that one time she did her own thing. After this pandemic subsides and we are able to move around more freely and healthy maybe we will plan a vacation in the future. We would definitely go somewhere with a warmer climate because we get enough snow and cold temperatures at home, no need to go somewhere else to experience it. We can easily make a wish list and give it a try in the future.

What about y’all, any family vacationers out there?

I’ll be watching Home Alone and Home Alone Again now that I thought about family vacations for the holidays. I love those movies.

Day 8 – December 20, 2020

The gifts on the eighth day were eight maids a milking and I can only think about strong hardworking women. It is not too easy to milk a cow in my opinion so that is why I think about strong women. I guess since they were maids, it is implied that they are unmarried women. How do the “rich aunties” feel about the holidays?

For context, rich auntie is a woman who is unmarried and without children who is living her best life while being the best auntie she can be. She has nieces and nephews or god children for who she is responsible but only to the extent where the children can be returned and she can carry-on. In this case, do the “rich aunties” get the short end of the stick because there are so many kids who she supports but may not get anything in return and because there are so many kids who demand her time? Or do the rich aunties buy gifts and go on and do whatever they want?

What is the proper rich auntie protocol?

Day 9 – December 21, 2020

There were nine ladies dancing for the ninth day of Christmas. Ladies dancing makes me think about parties and fun times. For my close family we do not have parties for Christmas, but there are some of us who have company Christmas party stories. I’ve been to a couple company holiday parties and they were quite different from one another. It is a different vibe in my opinion, but that does depend on the workplace and relationships between the staffers.

I don’t have any holiday party horror stories. I do know it was at a holiday party that I discovered my affinity for Mint Mojitos which are made well. The other holiday parties I attended were alcohol free and still just as fun, if not more fun. Alcohol does not always make things better, in my opinion. Luckily, I don’t have any horror stories like those in the movies. What about you all, any interesting holiday party memories? Family parties or office parties?

Leave the tea in the comments.


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