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6 Days

I'm sitting here and really just processing everything that is going on in the United States and the world. I, like most other people have spent almost eight months in seclusion, away from family, friends, co-workers, and just people in general. I have been blessed in this time for more reasons than I can count but I know that this time has been hell for many. It pains me to think about the people who are trapped with abusers, the people who are experiencing food and housing insecurity, and the duality of this whole episode. The discrepancy between the have and have-nots is frustrating and infuriating at the same time.

It's just that these things are hard to process and the current political climate in the U.S. is the straw that is breaking this camel's back. I find everything to be so unbelievable at this point. It is crazy to me that a democracy* that has survived since the late 18th century is such a farce and it has been destroyed and revealed to be a fraud in just these last four years. Was it really just expected to continue on without any upgrade and update? In the 18th century my ancestors were not considered to be human all while they built the very wealth the country squanders today. There have been a couple changes as I am now considered to be a whole human and I can vote. Outside of that, we still have people on the U.S. Supreme Court who consider themselves Constitutional Originalists and that makes no sense because if that were true then none of the current conflicts apply because we live in a time the “founding fathers” could not begin to fathom.

None of the topics du jour seem to be legitimate issues to me. Or at least they should not be valid topics. It should not be possible for someone to do any of the things the current president has done and continues to do without any consequences. It is at the point where I don't even understand how anyone else in the government is able to say they are working for the people at this point. Well I can't say anyone because the civil service members are doing just that, but those who are actively in D.C. on the hill are wasting time and money. The facade is broken. The sky is falling. The system is weak and insufficient if it can be in such a place of disarray in such a short period of time.

The allure of power is so great that hundreds of thousands of American citizens have served as a sacrifice to a virus so that those in power can reap the benefits. Whole demographics of the population continue to carry the burden of the country on its back and are currently and continuously sacrificed again so those can grab on to and hold on to whatever power is near. Recently, I wrote about the way Black people should be mobilized to participate in the system until they can dismantle the system and that should go for everyone who is not in a place of power at this point.

Queue “Justify My Thug” by Jay-Z.


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